A Cultured Life…

…stumbling through life with two beautiful daughters – often tripping, sometimes running!!

Day 114, T 0

on August 5, 2021

……and we are here, at the day, today

****Update 4:20**** Bag 2 is complete! The rest is a waiting game. 💙😍😇

****339 pm**** and the second bag has started!!!!

****Update 330 pm**** waiting for second cords!!

****Update 1:39 pm*****

And the first bag is done!!
Bright red cord blood is infused

****Update 1:12 pm*****

Swati is receiving the cords!!
We sang “Happy Birthday” and watched it flow into her line 🥰😇🧡

****Update 12:20 pm

Benadryl on

****Update 11:21pm****

12:45 the cords will arrive on the floor. The first bag is (?) 100 mls and should be done in 20 mins, max 30 including set up and flush.

Ordered lunch 10 mins ago- soup crackers cottage cheese. Hope she gets a little bit in prior

Swati’s cell counts at 0- Yaay!
Exactly where we need to be going into transplant. This also means she is tired. Wiped out tired 😓😣

I am asking her to visualize what her blood and marrow looks like – empty, hungry. So when the cords arrive she can visualize them as food for her marrow, nourishing her body with sustenance and giving them space to establish.

Interesting fact- Swati is getting two separate cords from two different donors. Experience says that one cord will establish itself over the other and what we will see is the synergies between the two cords which await with the engraftment 😇🧬

Evidence that divinity and science can co-exist. At least, I don’t need any more proof.

****Update 9:47am cst****

Shannon our nurse just updated that it could be noon. They are working on logistics and administrative paperwork. 😇😇

8:20 am

Swati and I went off to the ultrasound department at 7 this morning. Her line looks good. The veins look good. No collapsed valve. Or clots. Thank you god 😇

I will update this post.

3 responses to “Day 114, T 0

  1. tannohh says:

    happy birthday sweet angel! ❤️🎈


  2. Bharath says:

    Happy to hear everything went well today! Way to go guys!


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